Site icon Real Food Real Weightloss


How it all works

The Real Food Real Weight Loss program uses a unique approach to weight loss based on recent scientific research on the causes of weight gain combined with sound weight loss education and advice on nutrition and movement for health.

There are several unique aspects to our program

  • Medically supervised
  • The use of a hormone Troche, (small tablet) which works with your body’s hormones to accelerate weight loss
  • Rapid safe weight loss
  • Long term weight management
  • Improved energy levels
  • Personalised support via Phone/Email/Skype/Support group/online Facebook forum



Completion of a pre-program questionnaire is required prior to your initial consultation, this questionnaire will be assessed by our Doctor during your consultation.


An initial phone consultation with a member of our weight loss team will kick start your program. During this consultation your current weight and measurements will be recorded and your weight loss goals discussed. A detailed explanation of the program and its requirements will be explained and any questions answered.

You will be provided with a booklet that will support you through your program. This will also be an opportunity to address any emotional or social issues affecting your weight.


Assessment by our Doctor ensure that any medical obstacles to weight loss are addressed. We may need to check blood levels of certain hormones and nutrients. Blood pathology may be ordered and reviewed in the first week on the program. If you have access to any recent blood test results please advise your Consultant. Our body’s conserve fat for various reasons, all of which we need to address:

Stress: the stress hormone cortisol is one of the major modern saboteurs of health; Insulin resistance: one of the major players in weight gain; Chemical toxicity, Hormone imbalances, Thyroid disorders and Chronic Inflammation.

After your assessment an individualised treatment plan can be created to manage your weight loss saboteurs and ensure that your road to success is not BLOCKED by one of these factors.


After completion of your program and attaining your goal weight we provide access to ongoing support and surveillance. You will learn how to recognise the weight loss saboteurs and act quickly to restabilise healthy weight by activating your Emergency Plan if your weight rises to a predetermined cap.

If you have any questions regarding the program or if you would like to book in your initial appointment, please phone us on 

0435 787 544.


Are you ready to press play on your weight loss journey? 

Call 0435 787 544 or fill out our contact form and our friendly weight loss consultant will be in touch to get you started or answer any questions!

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