Is Whole Milk or Skim Milk Healthier?

By Michael Joseph, MSc Clearly a contentious issue, there are many alternate opinions on the best dairy option for our health. But what do the studies show? Studies on Dairy and Obesity Is whole milk really fattening? One study featured 12,829 participants who recorded their dairy intake for a 1-year period. The hypothesis was that […]
Are you a Sugar Addict?

By Deirdre Parkinson, Naturopath There is often a reason for sugar cravings and it lies in the lining of your intestine. It is called “gut dysbiosis” and is caused by one or more factors…either food allergies, intestinal parasites (eek!) or a hormonal imbalance. It is best to have yourself treated. The tests do not attract […]
Are You Eating Too Little Fat?

By Deirdre Parkinson Many of my patients proudly describe their diet as being fat free. When I check their blood test levels of basic adrenal hormones, I see that they are very low. This is why they are suffering from fatigue, memory loss, and even menopausal symptoms. Fats are also needed for the absorption of […]
What Type Of Sugars Should We Eat?

Our food products tend to contain either natural sugars or added sugars. The nutrition label does not make it clear which sugars are natural and which have been added to the product. The best way to check for added sugars is to look at the ingredients list. If you see the terms fructose, lactose, sucrose, […]
Digestive Insufficiency – Part Two

By Carolina Rossi Last newsletter I mentioned about the importance in improving digestion and suggested small changes such as chew your food until liquefied, avoid fluid with meals, don’t eat on the run or when stressed and control portions size. If you have put in practice these basic principals but still experience some digestive discomfort […]
Digestive Insufficiency – Part One

By Carolina Rossi, Dietitian Digestive ability is the key to our physical health and is reliant on adequate enzymes and absorption. So to directly enhance our general well-being and heal many diseases (that are due to nutrient deficiencies) we must increase our digestive abilities. A system low in digestive enzymes due to exposure to the […]
What is GI & Why is LOW GI Good?

GI stands for the “Glycaemic Index”, and it is a ranking from 1 to 100 that measures the effect of a food on your blood glucose levels over the two hours after the food is eaten. A low GI food is 55 or less, a medium GI food is 56-69, and a high GI food […]
Do I Have to Weigh & Measure my Food Forever?

The short answer is no! Weighing and Measuring your food takes extra time out of your day, most people these days are probably already busy enough, right? One of the benefits of taking the time to weigh and measure your food is that you learn to identify portion and serving size – and once you’ve […]
What?! Low Calorie fake fat makes you…fat?

By Dr. Karen Coates Sometimes things just don’t go to plan. A great marketing idea. A weight loss product, complete with calorie in, calorie out research that, in theory, should make the product perfect for a weight loss diet. But….then there’s this study published that blows the whole thing out of the water. Feed rats […]
How to Control Food Cravings

Uncontrolled food cravings for high-fat, high calorie foods may lead to obesity. Your first step in dealing with food cravings is to recognise the triggers and your food of choice. The following are some tips you can use to control your food cravings: 1. Get proper nourishment Eat a well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water […]