Broccoli Soup Recipe

BROCCOLI SOUP is one of our favourite recipes during winter time. It’s delicious, easy to make and packed with nutrition!

  • 2 cups of broccoli, cut into small pieces
  • 500ml of water
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil (eliminate the oil if you are on fat burn!)
  • 1/2 or 1 garlic clove
  • Salt and pepper

Bring the water to boil with 1 teaspoon of salt. Then add the broccoli and cook it for about 10 minutes or until tender. Transfer the broccoli to a blender plus the olive oil (if NOT on Fat Burn), garlic and a pinch of salt and pepper. Blend for few seconds until mixture is smooth. Add more hot water if need, until achieve a creamy and smooth consistency. Adjust the salt if need more.


If you are currently on Real Food Real Weightloss please see the member’s section for more recipes!