When I look back over my whole adult life there are few times that I can say I was really happy with my weight and my body image……I was always the one hiding behind others in photos or begging just” take my photo from the shoulders up!”
Sound familiar?
In 1992 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. This was the beginning of a roller coaster ride of health problems, trials and treatments. After many months of tests, operations and radiotherapy I was left with a body that didn’t work so well. My weight dropped to a low 57 kgs and then quickly ballooned to a staggering 83.9 kgs at my heaviest. I struggled with this weight….dieting to lose weight and then regaining the weight – to my horror, more each time.
Like everyone else there aren’t many diets/weight loss programs/pills/shakes or exercise regimes that I haven’t tried to overcome this.
When we first started to put this program together, I was excited to think that finally, after all these years, I might actually be able to lose weight and keep it off!
So I was our first guinea pig. I decided to give it a go and see where I ended up….let’s face it what did I have to lose?
Well what I had to lose was 19 kilos, but what I had to gain was so much more than a healthy weight….I gained a new lease on life, renewed energy, improved health and a thyroid that works after 20 years of conventional and some unconventional therapies. Not only do I feel so much better, my pathology has improved, returning to within normal range for all….even the thyroid that doctors told me would never happen!
The health benefits alone are amazing!!
I say what are you waiting for…….all you have to lose are those unwanted kilos, but better still you have so much more to gain!