Digestive Insufficiency – Part Two
By Carolina Rossi Last newsletter I mentioned about the importance in improving digestion and suggested small changes such as chew your food until liquefied, avoid fluid with meals, don’t eat on the run or when stressed and control portions size. If you have put in practice these basic principals but

Digestive Insufficiency – Part One
By Carolina Rossi, Dietitian Digestive ability is the key to our physical health and is reliant on adequate enzymes and absorption. So to directly enhance our general well-being and heal many diseases (that are due to nutrient deficiencies) we must increase our digestive abilities. A system low in digestive enzymes

Food Allergies, Stress, Fatigue & Traditional Chinese Medicine
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory, in order to have good health we must have sufficient energy, called Chi and your body’s internal organs must be balanced and work in harmony with each other’s energy. TCM views food allergies and intolerances as a result of imbalances within the Kidneys,

High Liver GGT Enzymes & Leaky Gut Syndrome
By Deirdre Parkinson, Naturopath Have you had blood test results that were in in liver enzymes? So high that your GP wondered if you were a closet alcoholic!? High liver GGT enzymes can hint at a toxic liver. Alcohol in excess will cause liver toxicity and can cause a rise