Are Your Hormones Making you Fat?
By Manuela Boyle, ND, Clinical Nutritionist Imagine waking up every morning to the sound of your alarms, excited and happy to start a new day. When you look in the mirror you admire your body. Everyone tells you how great you look and asks what your secret is. Sound too

Gut Health
By Dr Ruth Quinney How well does our gut perform the function of extracting essential nutrients from our food intake? Digestion of our food begins in the mouth, with saliva breaking up and softening the food we have just eaten. Good digestion starts with adequate chewing! Next, the stomach: Stomach

What is GI & Why is LOW GI Good?
GI stands for the “Glycaemic Index”, and it is a ranking from 1 to 100 that measures the effect of a food on your blood glucose levels over the two hours after the food is eaten. A low GI food is 55 or less, a medium GI food is 56-69,

Sushi – Fat Burn Style!
Nori Sheet s x 4 (make sure they are SUGAR FREE!!) Shredded lettuce (2 big handfuls) ½ cup of cucumber (sliced into long, thin strips) Handful of basil leaves or your favourite herb (mint, coriander, etc) Fresh shredded ginger (1 teaspoon) Your serve of allowed protein (whichever you prefer –chicken,